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Navigating Post-Accident Care at Pittsburgh Physical Medicine with PIP in Pennyslvania


In the state of Pennsylvania, personal injury protection (PIP) coverage through auto insurance plays a vital role in ensuring accident victims have access to medical care. In this blog post, we'll explore what to do after an automobile accident in regards to getting checked out at Pittsburgh Physical Medicine, and how PIP coverage can help ease the financial burden of medical expenses in Pennsylvania.

Step 1: Ensure Safety and Call for Help Immediately after the accident, prioritize your safety and that of others involved. Move your vehicle to a safe location, if possible, and turn on hazard lights. Call 911 to report the accident and request medical assistance if needed.

Step 2: Document the Scene While waiting for help to arrive, document the accident scene to the best of your ability. Take photos of the vehicles involved, the damage sustained, and any visible injuries. Exchange contact and insurance information with other parties involved in the accident.

Step 3: Seek Medical Attention Even if you feel okay after the accident, it's crucial to get checked out by medical professionals. Some injuries, such as whiplash or internal injuries, may not manifest immediate symptoms but could worsen over time. Pittsburgh Physical Medicine is a reputable healthcare facility that specializes in treating accident-related injuries. They have experienced physicians and therapists who can accurately diagnose and provide appropriate care for various injuries.

Step 4: Understand Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage Pennsylvania is a no-fault insurance state, which means that regardless of who caused the accident, each driver's insurance company is responsible for covering their medical expenses up to their policy limits. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is an essential component of every Pennsylvania auto insurance policy.

Step 5: Filing a PIP Claim If you have PIP coverage, you can use it to pay for your medical expenses resulting from the accident, including treatments at Pittsburgh Physical Medicine. To initiate a PIP claim, contact your insurance provider as soon as possible after the accident. They will guide you through the claims process and inform you of the coverage limits and any deductible that may apply.

Step 6: Understanding PIP Benefits Under Pennsylvania law, PIP benefits typically cover medical expenses, lost wages, funeral expenses, and essential services costs. Medical expenses may include doctor visits, hospital stays, surgery, physical therapy, and more. By utilizing your PIP coverage, you can receive necessary medical care without having to pay out-of-pocket upfront. When utilizing these benefits, it is imporant to note that it will not effect your insurane rates!

Step 7: Cooperating with the Insurance Company Be sure to provide your insurance company with all relevant information, including medical records and bills from Pittsburgh Physical Medicine. Cooperating promptly with your insurer will help streamline the claims process and ensure that your medical expenses are covered promptly.

Conclusion: After an automobile accident in Pennsylvania, seeking prompt medical attention is essential, and Pittsburgh Physical Medicine can be a valuable partner in your recovery process. With Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage as part of your auto insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your medical expenses are covered up to your policy limits. Remember to document the accident scene, seek medical attention, and cooperate with your insurance provider to ensure a smooth claims process. By following these steps, you can focus on healing and getting back on your feet after a challenging experience.

Dr. Justin Foltz Founder of Pittsburgh Physical Medicine and practicing chiropractor for over 12 years.

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